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PhD students

- Sébastien Auber (2021-2024): genetics of genome instability, in collaboration with Gaëlle Legube's lab.

- Noémien Maillard (2023-2026): AI and pig genetics, in collaboration with Julie Demars (GenEpi lab)..

Former PhD student

- Vincent Rocher (2018-2021): Data analysis and model for the study of chromatin, G-quadruplexes and DNA repair, in collaboration with Gaëlle Legube's lab.

- Alexandre Heurteau (2016-2019): Integrative bioinformatics study: determinants and dynamics of long-distance chromosomal interactions, in collaboration with Olivier Cuvier's lab.

Master students (interns)

- Han Phan (2024): semisupervised learning for genomics, in collaboration with Céline Brouard.

- Alexis Mergez (2023): deep learning for genome assembly, in collaboration with Matthias Zytnicki.

- Noémien Maillard (2023): deep learning for pig genetics, in collaboration with Julie Demars.

- Houssein Hassan (2023): deep learning for small RNA classification, in collaboration with Christine Gaspin.

- Eugene Garcia (2022): machine learning for hip and knee surgery recommendation, in collaboration with Remedy Logic, USA.
- Elissar Nassereddine (2019-2021): bioinformatics of endogenous double strand DNA breaks.

- Martin Tournaire (2021): endogenous double strand DNA breaks and short tandem repeats.

- Nolan Ruffenach (2021): mapping of endogenous double strand DNA breaks.

- Matthieu Genais (2020): explanable AI for g-quadruplex.

- Julien Pernet (2020): regression for 3D genome.

- Tiphaine Fabre (2015): nucleosome positioning.

- Alexandre Heurteau (2015): 3D genome.

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