I am Associate Professor of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics for genomics and human health at University Paul Sabatier.
I also lead Clinical Artificial Intelligence​ for Remedy Logic company, where I develop innovative solutions for spinal surgery.
My background is multidisciplinary. It combines artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, but also genomics, genetics and medicine.

HDR, bioinformatics, Toulouse, FR
I led research projects in genomic data analysis, bioinformatics and artificial intelligence.
2008 - 2011
PhD, machine learning for genetics, Nantes, FRANCE
I developed novel EM-based algorithms to learn Bayesian network with latent variables structured in different layers (also called latent tree model).
2005 - 2007
Master's in Statistics, ONIRIS Nantes, FRANCE
I specialized in statistics for food industry.
2001 - 2004
Bachelor's in Genomics, Orsay, FRANCE
I graduated in genomics, genetics and molecular biology
Awards, Scholarships and Grants
Invited talks (6), Conference talks (>30).
Program committee: ISMB, JOBIM, Inserm Workshop.
Honor: Best PhD thesis (thèse remarquable, Univ. of Nantes).
Reviewer for journals: Nature Com., Scientific Reports, NAR, Bioinformatics, BMC Bioinformatics, IEEE/ACM TCBB, IJAR...